Talitha Kum Cameroon
In 2016 sr. Mercy Muthoniparticipate to theII TalithaKum International Coordination Committee in Rome with the purpose to establish a Network in Cameroon. Sr. Mercy was appointed by Sr. Patricia Ebedgbuem from Nigeria. She started her ministry on human trafficking in 2009, she come in contact with Talitha Kum in 2012. …
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Prayer of Sr. Mercy on the eve of the Talitha Kum laboratory in Yaoundé, Cameroon, November 19, 2018 for the official launch of the Cameroon network

Oración de sr. Misericordia en la víspera del laboratorio Talitha Kum en Yaundé, Camerún, 19 de noviembre de 2018 para el lanzamiento oficial de la red camerunesa

Oração do Sr. Misericórdia na véspera do laboratório Talitha Kum em Yaoundé, Camarões, 19 de novembro de 2018 para o lançamento oficial da rede dos Camarões

Preghiera di sr. Mercy alla vigilia del laboratorio di Talitha Kum a Yaoundé, Camerun, 19 novembre 2018 per il lancio ufficiale della rete del Camerun