Maryam. From prisoner to teacher
Stories of rebirth
“I was about 20 years old when I first met one of Talitha Kum's sisters in prison: I had been arrested because my madam had denounced me for exploitation for prostitution. I had decided to leave my country, Nigeria, after the death of my father. I wanted to help my mother and my brothers. When I arrived in Italy with the promise of a job, I found myself on the street, under the direction of a madam who subjected me to physical and psychological violence. I thought that once my debt was paid, I would be free from this nightmare. But they kept demanding more and more money. Alone and undocumented, I ended up in prison, even though I was the victim. It was a nun who came to visit me and gave me another chance. She trusted me and convinced her community in Sicily to welcome me into their home, allowing me to serve under house arrest. In these years, thanks to the help of the sisters, I have managed to transform my life and help other young people, who like me have fallen into the hands of the traffickers. Today I am happy: I am a mother with a beautiful family, and a beautiful community that welcomed me and where I still work as an educator”. (TK Italy).