News from the Talitha Kum’s East African hub: the Talitha Kum networks in Uganda, Kenya and Democratic Republic of Congo
Updates from a few of Talitha Kum's East African hub activities in Busia (the border between Uganda and Kenya) and Lia (Democratic Republic of Congo). Talitha Kum networks organized joint activities with the aim of raising awareness among the various communities about the reality of trafficking at the borders, and encouraging stakeholders to take concrete actions to address the needs, especially those related to unsafe migration and human trafficking in the region.
The various activities carried out, face-to-face meetings and radio broadcasts, covered topics such as: social problems affecting the local population, the situation of human trafficking in the region, the challenges of illegal migration, an overview of migration in vulnerable situations, future prospects, testimonials and good practices.
Most of the participants were young university and business students. There were also relatives of trafficked persons, members of local communities, various public authorities and consecrated persons.
"The open discussion offered young people the opportunity to dialogue with local police authorities about the insecurity problems they face. They also shared their concerns about finding ways to support young people through preventive measures and offering employment opportunities as a key element in preventing human trafficking and unsafe migration."
East Africa Hub Team
March 12th, 2024