Pope Francis launches the exhibition for the 10 years of Talitha Kum
Dedicated to the Sisters who heal hearts
The exhibition of the photographs taken by U.S. photographer Lisa Kristine, entitled Nuns Healing Hearts was launched by Pope Francis on May 10th 2019, shortly before holding an official audience with 850 Superior Generals who participated in the XXI Plenary Assembly of the International Union of Superiors General -UISG.
Along the exhibition route, set up in the atrium of the Paul VI Audience Hall in the Vatican, the Pope expressed his closeness to Sr. Gabriella Bottani, Coordinator of Talitha Kum, as well as to other religious women committed in the fight against human trafficking. This is a priority issue for the Pontiff, who repeatedly drew attention to the challenge of new forms of slavery and encouraged the sisters to continue along this path of liberation and promotion of human dignity.
Lisa Kristine’s photos depict the stories of women and men victims of trafficking and the hospitality and the assistance provided to them. The photographer has spent 18 months on the front lines in Italy, Guatemala, Mexico and Thailand, alongside the nuns of Talitha Kum network, which this year celebrates its 10 years of activity.
Along with Pope Francis and Sr. Gabriella were: photographer Lisa Kristine; Sr. Carmen Sammut, former UISG President; Sr. Patricia Murray, UISG Executive Secretary; the President of the Galileo Foundation, John McCaffrey; and representatives of the Migrants and Refugees Section.