For the past six years, Sr. Colleen Jackson has been Talitha Kum's regional representative for Oceania. The following is her reflection. We thank you and accompany you in prayers:
“The opportunity to serve on the Talitha Kum International Coordination Committee (TKICC) over the last 6 years (2018-2023) has been a privilege and a grace. About the time I joined the International Coordination Committee, Talitha Kum was beginning to really come to terms with its identity and driving reason for being.
Talitha Kum is such a unique and complex entity – a network of networks representing rich and diverse cultures, languages, social contexts, faith expressions, histories, local realities and working methodologies. But one thing binds and distinguishes Talitha Kum networks around the world is their unwavering commitment to Gospel, inspired accompaniment of and advocacy for those who are trafficked and exploited in the evil trade of human traffickers.
My reflection on life on the International Coordination Committee initially turned to the sometimes chaotic, urgent and reactive work that can characterise some of our international planning meetings. However, the growth and achievements of Talitha Kum reflect a TKICC that has managed to work harmoniously, cooperatively and effectively across vast geographical distances, a rich array of languages, and diverse network configurations and cultures.
I am deeply grateful for and celebrate this work: the inaugural International Assembly of Talitha Kum leaders in 2019; the publication of study packages on our three priority issues around women, migration and refugees, and neoliberal economics; the development and growth of the engagement of youth in Talitha Kum’s mission; the annual February 8th, Feast of Saint Bakhita and the online Pilgrimage of prayer and awareness raising; the inspirational “Call to Action'' statement; Talitha Kum’s annual reports; the upcoming 15th anniversary International Assembly in Rome … to name a few. The ongoing work of Talitha Kum during the peak of the Covid pandemic was testament to the determination, flexibility, and commitment of our members worldwide. At our regional level, I am thrilled at the development in 2024 of a new network – a wonderful collaboration of 6 Pacific Island countries.
Pope Francis’ words to the 2019 Assembly delegates remain an inspiration and an ongoing challenge “I congratulate you on the important work you are doing amid very complex and tragic situations. Your work brings together the missions of different institutions and demands cooperation between them. You have chosen to be on the front line. Therefore, the numerous Congregations that have worked and continue to work as the ‘avant-garde’ of the Church’s missionary activity against the scourge of human trafficking deserve gratitude. This is also a model of how to work together. It is an example for the whole Church, and also for us: men, priests, bishops ... You are giving a great example—keep at it!” We are impelled to continue and strengthen Talitha Kum’s grassroots engagement and in its person/community-centred approach to provide care, healing, empowerment, and restoration to those exploited and to steadfastly remain on the front foot to confront and defeat the evil that is human trafficking.
I am grateful to Sr. Gabriella Bottani, MC, and more recently Sr. Abby Avelino, MM for their inspiration, commitment and visionary leadership of Talitha Kum. And to the members of the TKICC over the last 6 years, thank you for your dedication, the hard work, the learnings, fun, friendship and inspiration. I have been enriched and graced.
My wish and prayer for the new TKICC and for all Talitha Kum members around the world is reflected in the bold declaration of our 2019 Assembly “Together, we will create a future filled with prophetic hope by working together, forming a network of compassion and grace!”
Deo gratias!”
Thank you Sr. Colleen! Talitha Kum thanks your commitment against human trafficking in Oceania and your leadership as regional coordinator in Talitha Kum's International Coordination Committee.
26 February 2024