Talitha Kum: a 10-year history bearing witness worldwide against trafficking in persons
Meet online Sr. Gabriella
We are pleased to invite you to connect online, on March 6th, at 2pm in Italian (Rome time) or at 3pm in English (Rome time), to meet with Sister Gabriella Bottani, the International Coordinator of Talitha Kum since 2014, to listen to her testimony of how Talitha Kum will continue to respond to the challenge of trafficking in persons, and what each of us can do.
You can ask questions live to Sister Gabriella or text them via WhatsApp at +39 3499358744.
Here below are the links for the online meeting:
Talitha Kum is an expression found in the Gospel of Mark, Chapter 5, Verse 41. The words, translated from Aramaic, mean: "Little girl, I say to you, get up!".
Talitha Kum is a network currently spread over 5 continents and 77 countries. Many women religious are committed to encouraging victims to 'rise up'.