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Talitha Kum participates in the Annual Forum of the G20 Interfaith Forum (IF20) in Brasilia, Brazil

The 2024 forum is co-organized by the G20 Interfaith Forum (IF20) and the International Partnership on Religion and Sustainable Development (PaRD). It will be held from August 19 to 22 in Brasilia, Brazil. The local network of Talitha Kum in Brazil, represented by Sr. Rosa Elena Cipres Diaz of “Um Grito Pela Vida” participates in the 2024 forum with the topic: Leave No One Behind: The Well-Being of the Planet and Its People.


The IF20 provides an annual platform for a network of religiously affiliated institutions and initiatives to engage with global agendas, particularly the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs). Since its inception in 2014, IF20 has aimed to help shape international policy agendas by offering insightful recommendations drawing on the teachings and experience of religiously linked institutions. Priority Impacts Plan - Aligned with the thematic priorities of Brazil during its G20 Presidency 2024 and priority ongoing work of IF20 and PaRD. Including the reform of the global governance system – as human trafficking is one of the priority goals.


In 2024, the G20 Interfaith Forum urges priority action on five areas: 1) Food crises, 2) Environment- finding workable and adequate solutions to climate and other environmental concerns are G20 priorities, 3) Peacebuilding, 4) Debt relief, and 5) Human trafficking, and modern slavery. Specific commitments by G20 leaders, supported by the G20 Interfaith Forum, to step up funding against human trafficking (labor, sex trafficking, organ trafficking, and other forms) and modern slavery by 2030 would signal a renewed commitment to truly “leave no one behind”. The G20 Interfaith Forum proposes to organize and lead a G20 Working Group to support such a commitment.


For Talitha Kum, advocacy is intrinsic to the work of the sisters and members of the networks. It is rooted in journeying and accompanying people at risk, victims, and survivors of human trafficking. Talitha Kum’s Call to Action lays out Talitha Kum’s priorities and calls for changes to address the root causes of human trafficking. Talitha Kum joins in global events that impact global policy-making in international forums, such as the IF20 Interfaith forum for the G20 priority agenda.


August 27th, 2024