The journey of the TK Youth ambassadors project, organized with the sisters of Talitha Kum, began in September 2021. The goal was to understand more about human trafficking, to raise awareness and to prevent it. This was done through meetings, training from our coordinators, sharing resources, and presentations from the young people.
During the recent Marathon of Prayer on February 8th, 2022, the TK Youth Ambassadors greatly contributed. They worked together from different states and countries. They showed the Power of Care, underlining that distance is not a barrier (even if we are far away, we can always work together). Their presence was very meaningful to the international community. They shared their inspiration to carry on and be committed to being Ambassadors against human trafficking, through powerful presentations and videos. This shows how zealous and happy the youth are to go on in this mission against human trafficking and how they have come to understand it.
On our last meeting on February 13th 2022, Sister Gabriella Bottani, Talitha Kum International coordinator, gave a thank you message to the youth for a well done work, most especially for the marathon of prayer. Most of the coordinators were also invited, to connect online to see the progress of the Youth Ambassadors, because they had seen most of the activities done so far by the youth through social media. The recent meeting enabled the coordinators to be in direct contact with youth and listen to their presentations about what they have done so far and the future activities.
The Youth Ambassadors group reports were very inspiring, we had many of them presented, from which I state our few:
- Thailand: The group presented two major goals:
- To raise awareness about Human Trafficking
- To make the general public know more about Talitha Kum
- Indonesia: The group presented a launching of a song titled - One soul, Caring for Others. Hear the song here!
- Vietnam: The group presented their Team and four strategic plans.
- Philippines: The group presented their assistance offered to the TKP OSEC awareness orientations.
- Korea: The group presented their Timeline
- November – recruiting supporter
- December – educating supporters, organizing team.
- January – working out team project.
- February – meeting in person.
- Japan: The group presented their present accomplishments and future plan
- TK Japan Logo
- Instagram and Facebook accounts
- Visited churches
- Virtual Choir
Future plan: Youth mini gathering in March, school visits, and offering classes to youth
- India: The group presented a school drama about Human trafficking. Watch here!
It was beautiful and inspiring presentations. There are still many other projects, accomplishments and future plans which the youth are already working on and sharing with the coordinators.
The youth are so happy to be committed on this mission and hope to do more with the help of each one of us, together against Human Trafficking.
Picture of the Youth Ambassadors Japan
By Joy Ezekiel
Talitha Kum Youth Ambassadors