Nuns Healing Hearts
Do not be overcome by evil, but overcome evil with good (Romans 12:21). Campaign Nuns Healing Hearts launched by Pope Francis to celebrate Talitha Kumì’s 10th Anniversary is a message of hope, which portrays the good!
A photographic tribute, an exhibition that documents the tireless work of the religious of the whole world against trafficking in persons, set up during the hearing of May 10 in the Paul VI Audience Hall and in the following days in the offices of the UISG, shows Talitha Kum's response against all forms of exploitation and abuse: daring the good. Which means taking care, welcoming the tears of those who cry, healing hearts, awakening the taste of dignity, donating a smile of peace. 
The author of the photos is photographer Lisa Kristine, an internationally renowned artist who has visited over 100 countries on 6 continents over 30 years, she documented indigenous cultures and shed light on the harsh and unbearable reality of modern slavery. The project is carried out with the support of the Migrants and Refugees Section of the Dicastery for Promoting Integral Human Development and Galileo Foundation.
«If human trafficking wounds our humanity with violence and extreme brutality - says Sister Gabriella Bottani, international coordinator of Talitha Kum - these photographs by Lisa Kristine cheer us up by showing us gestures of good and hope. Some shots do not allow identifying the protagonists, opening a window for the contemplation of the profound encounter of those who undertake journeys of freedom, together. There is no longer any separation between us and them, but we are all part of this humanity, called to weave together networks of good and freedom, in love».
The objective of the campaign is to support the various networks of Talitha Kum worldwide to be at the side of the religious where there is need to rescue the victims, fight and prevent situations where trafficking occurs on a daily basis.
DONATE NOW: your contribution, in the form you choose, is precious and will allow you to continue the activities of the more than 2,000 sisters in 77 countries who dedicate themselves with passion and commitment to break the numerous chains of slavery.
For more information: NunsHealingHearts.org
Schedule and information relating to the exhibition at UISG premises: communication@talithakum.info
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