Training for Talitha Kum Leaders
The Talitha Kum Strategic Plan 2020-2025, in line with the outcomes of the Talitha Kum’s General Assembly 2019, stated as one of Talitha Kum’s main priorities of continuing the formation of Talitha Kum members in the service of leadership. To make this decision operational, Talitha Kum implemented the Training Course for the Leaders of Talitha Kum. The training provides tools to enhance the skills that will support leaders in developing professional and relational skills, aimed at collaborating and managing anti-trafficking activities. The course content includes leadership models, emerging realities/issues on human trafficking, spirituality, networking, communication, project planning and development, advocacy, and fundraising. It also provides indications of the fundamental aspects related to the mission, vision and worldview which are at the basis of Talitha Kum network and key elements of Catholic Social Teaching which relate to trafficking in persons.