Wells of Hope
YANABIEH  EL  AMAL - Wells Of Hope
Wells of Hope is the Talitha Kum Network based in the Middle East established in 2019 with a group of Christian and Muslim Women against Trafficking in Persons. It addresses the issue of trafficking and exploitation, particularly vulnerable women and children by capacity building and strengthening networks, promoting women’s faith and leadership at local, regional, and international levels.
Geographic Area : Lebanon, Jordan and Syria
 The objectives of the project are:
- To bring women together, to share the approaches they have developed in order to prevent Trafficking in Persons(TIP)and to help the survivors.
- To identify partners, resources persons, places in which to establish the project and a series of encounters in order to define and to plan a common agenda against trafficking in persons.
- To promote trust and a space for dialogue, reflection and action among Christian and Muslim Women focused on human dignity, in order to prevent any kind of exploitation of life.
The Coordinator of the project is Sr. Marie Claude Naddaf, RGS.
The Documentary "Wells of Hope" directed by Ms. Lia G. Beltrami weave together a story of trafficking in persons in the region with the stories of the women protagonists of the network Wells of Hope. Wells of hope presents indirectly the situation of trafficking in persons in conflict regions.
“This story – said Sr. Marie Claude Naddaf – Wells of Hope Network want to reach the most vulnerable people to start with them a process of freedom, powering hope in a better world”

The documentary Wells of Hope was selected in 29 film festivals. Following the 5 awards:
BEST DIRECTOR 2020 The Indie for You USA
BEST DOCUMENTARY 2020 Rio Independent Film Festival BRASIL,
BEST SOCIAL MESSAGE DOCUMENTARY 2020 Vesuvius International Film Festival
AWARD WINNER 2020 Madras Indipendent Film Festival INDIA.
BEST HUMAN RIGHTS DOCUMENTARY 2020 - RUSCHDOC International Documentary Film Festival