Latin American Seminar on Migration, Refugees and Trafficking in persons Tegucigalpa, Honduras 14th. To 17th. September 2016.
Sr. Roselei Bertoldo, icm represented the Network Um Grito pela Vida, a member of Talitha Kum at the Latin American Seminar on Migration, Refugees and Trafficking in persons. This is her report:
This seminar, organized by the Department of Social Justice of the Latin American Episcopal Council (CELAM), was attended by representatives of 22 countries of Latin America and the Caribbean. Included in the attendance were Bishops, the national secretary of the Pastoral Offices, representatives of Caritas, Human Mobility, Um Grito pela Vida Network, religious congregations and other church bodies that are involved with migrants , refugees and victims of trafficking in persons.
The objectives were:
1. To publicise and denounce prophetically the grave situation of the violations of human rights suffered by migrants and refugees in the Latin American continent.
2. To reflect the light of the social doctrine of the Church and of the Magisterium of Pope Francis, on the situation of migrants, refugees and victims of the new forms of slavery and trafficking in persons in Latin America and the Caribbean.
3. To promote the formation of CLAMOR Network, the Latin American Network of Human Mobility and Refugees, as a space for articulation and communication between the church based organizations that are engaged with people in situations of mobility.
The methodology used in the workshop was "See, Judge and Act."
In looking at the reality we were presented with three life experiences. – a person who suffered the violence of the crime of trafficking in persons, a refugee and a migrant returned to his country. These were harsh experiences, marked by all kinds of violence, they were dehumanizing, and left deep and enduring scars. People who have rebuilt their lives and now collaborate in the prevention along with other migrants, trying to make a difference in the social context.
The numbers of migrants, refugees and displaced persons are alarming. mainly in the Central American people, whole families are forced to migrate in search of better living conditions, far from their homeland who suffers from situations of extreme poverty, hunger and violence provoked by groups armed