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Workshop for members of LCCL in South Africa: Human Trafficking

At the request of Executive Leadership Conference of Consecrated Life (LCCL-SA) the Talitha Kum Network in South Africa Counter Trafficking in Persons Office (CTIP) organized a face-to-face workshop with the theme "Human Trafficking”. The training course lasted four days from 19th to 22th October 2021 involved twelve leaders of LCCL-SA from South Africa, Malawi and Botswana.

The training course was a great opportunity to learn more about topics such as the concepts of human trafficking, the legal framework, the modus operandis of traffickers, the skills for indicators for the identification of victims of huma trafficking, care for victims and survivors, and the Catholic Social Teaching.

The formation is part of a wider work of interinstitutional collaboration within Southern African Countries lead by CTIP, with the purpose to improve capacity for the identification and support of victims and survivors of trafficking in the country.

CTIP Counter Trafficking in Person – South Africa