US Catholic Sisters Aganist Human Trafficking (USCSAHT)

In 2012, President Barack Obama formed an Interfaith Advisory Committee to make recommendations his administration on how to address human trafficking in the U.S. A U.S. sister, Sister Marlene Weisenbeck, FSPA, was the Catholic representative to this Advisory Committee. When their report to President Obama was released in April 2013, …
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Sœur Ann Oestreich, IHM ancienne représentante régionale de Talitha Kum pour l'Amérique du Nord

Cleveland, OH (EUA) - Oito redes Talitha Kum participam no encontro hemisférico "Fronteiras não são Barreiras" - 24-27 de outubro de 2018

Cleveland, OH - Eight Talitha Kum networks gather for “Borders are not Barriers” hemispheric meeting - 24-27 October 2018

Huit réseaux sous l’organisation-cadre de Talitha Kum se sont rencontrés en Ohio pour une réunion hémisphérique intitulée “Frontières et non barrières”

Cleveland, OH - Ocho redes de Talitha Kum se reúnen para la reunión hemisférica "Las fronteras no son barreras", del 24 al 27 de octubre de 2018