Carmen. Finding faith and a safe haven
Stories of rebirth
“I come from a very poor Mexican family. I wanted to work to help my parents. So, although I was still a teenager, I gladly accepted the proposal that my sister-in-law made me to look after the children of one of her acquaintances in another city. When I arrived, they forced me into prostitution, threatening to hurt my family. I was not alone, there were other girls with me, minors like me. We were all beaten and raped. My parents were told I was dead. I had reached the limit of endurance when I had the opportunity to escape. That day there was a lot of chaos in the subway and I hid in the crowd. I asked for help from a woman who, after hearing my story, decided to take me to the sisters of Talitha Kum. Now I am in a safe place, I am in constant contact with my family and I have resumed my studies, finishing secondary school with honors. I am 17 years old and it has not been easy for me to deal with the violence of trafficking. Today I am grateful for the new opportunity I have. When the sisters opened the door of their house to me, it was as if the Lord had said to me at that moment, ‘Come. It is time, my daughter.’” (TK Mexico)
Photo credit: Lisa Kristine