Combating Human Trafficking for Forced Prostitution: Efforts of Women Religious by Sr. Patricia Ebegbulem, SSL
An article published in the June edition of the magazine Revue Spiritus (231, June 2018, pp.179-194) - here is the online version of the magazine.
Download here the whole article (in ENG only).
This paper which presents the efforts of women religious in the fight against human trafficking for forced prostitution. It draws extensively from the studies and personal experience of the writer in her work to rescue, rehabilitate and reintegrate victims who are trafficked especially for sexual exploitation. For an easy understanding of this paper, it is divided into seven headings. The first heading is the introduction. Here I will address where and how the women religious got involved in this fight against trafficking for forced prostitution. The second heading will focus on a conceptual clarification of what human trafficking for forced prostitution is. To this effect we will define human trafficking and forced prostitution; the place of human rights and strategies for prostitution networks will also be discussed. The third heading will discuss the reality of human trafficking and how trafficking is a frame that fosters forced prostitution. In the fourth heading, as part and parcel of the whole effort of women religious in the fight against human trafficking, we will discuss our strategies and measures for combating trafficking for forced prostitution. In the fifth heading we will present our partners and networks in this fight against trafficking. The sixth heading will be our conclusion and recommendations after which the paper will give a post script on sexual justice as its seventh heading.