Talitha Kum is happy to announce the launch of a space featuring NEWS FROM THE NETWORKS, which allows you to follow more closely the global work of the sisters of Talitha Kum at the grassroots. On Talitha Kum's social networks, Facebook and Instagram, it will be possible to listen to the recording of the news in the original language.
Below is news from the Network of Red de Religiosas contra la trata en República Dominicana. Sr. Dora Fonseca, aasc, coordinator of the network, shares about the reorganization of the network and its renewed engagements:
"We in this year 2022 as the Network of Consecrated Life against Trafficking and Trafficking in Persons here in the Dominican Republic have already constituted the commission with three religious congregations.
The coordinator of the network is Sister Dora Fonseca, aasc. For the area of communication is Sr. Patria Fernandez, msscc and for the Secretariat is Sister Belkis Beracierta, omi and Sister Adalgisa Astacio, aasc as auxiliary within the commission. We are the ones who make up this commission against the trafficking of Religious Life in the Dominican Republic.
The activities that we have carried out are the following: we have had the call for sensitization from the Dominican Conference of Religious - CONDOR; we have reinforced that same meeting to extend with a follow-up to the religious congregations and we have had a second sensitization with the reception of some other congregations. Maria Paredes from the IOM was invited to this sensitization with the congregations and she was able to socialize a little on the issue of trafficking here in the Dominican Republic.
During the meeting we have had as a network we have proposed some activities for this month of June, from 16 to 17 with the campaign "Putting my hand here I say stop human trafficking". We have sent a letter to the International Union of Catholic Schools here in the Dominican Republic and our objective is to sensitize the school population of the different Catholic schools on the issue of human trafficking".