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Seventh annual Meeting of AMRAT

The seventh annual Meeting of  AMRAT (Asian Movement of Religious Against Trafficking in persons) took place from 13th. to 17th.November 2017.  The aims were to report on the activities of the past year and to plan the programme of action for the year 2016.  The attendance included eighty one Sisters representing all the states of India and Sri Lanka.

Sr. Sahayamary FMM, coordinator of AMRAT, chaired the meeting.  She was ably assisted by Sr. Yoti, SB, founding member of AMRAT.

AMRAT is operates in  India, Sri Lanka, Pakistan, Nepal and Bangladesh.  The network, founded in 2007, engages in activities for prevention of trafficking, provides assistance to survivors and manages social re-integration projects. Religious and police forces work in collaboration  in cases involving the rescue of children trafficked from rural areas to the cities for forced domestic service. Thus competent legal support is joined with social and pastoral assistance.